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RaspAP includes support for stateless client-server data exchange via a high performance RESTful API. This allows clients to communicate with the API over HTTP with standard methods such as GET and POST and receive responses in JSON. RaspAP's API is powered by FastAPI, one of the fastest Python frameworks available.

FastAPI makes use of the Uvicorn ASGI web server implementation for Python. This is a minimal, low-level server interface for asynchronous frameworks.

Use cases

A RESTful API operates asynchronously, making it suited for building microservices—small, independent services that function in the context of larger applications. Examples might include a dashboard widget or other integration that consumes JSON data from the API to perform live monitoring of RaspAP's operational state.

Using the API's POST methods (to be announced soon), RaspAP's functions may even be remotely controlled outside of its regular web interface.


The RestAPI may be optionally installed by the Quick installer. To install RestAPI support, respond by pressing Enter to accept the default Y option at the following prompt:

RaspAP Install: Configure RestAPI
Install and enable RestAPI? [Y/n]:


The RestAPI is enabled by default in RaspAP's Docker container, so if you choose this option there is nothing more for you to do.

The Python language is a requirement for the RestAPI. The Quick installer will detect if Python is not installed on your system and install it for you (Python 3 is installed by default on Raspberry Pi OS). In addition, Python's package manager pip will also be installed. The following Python packages are requirements for the RestAPI:



From Bookworm onwards, packages installed via pip must be installed into a Python Virtual Environment using venv. This has been introduced by the Python community, not by Raspberry Pi; see PEP 668 for more details. The Python modules listed above are installed system-wide with the --break-system-packages flag.

With the software requirements installed, the systemd restapi.service control file will be enabled on your system, as well as the RestAPI management UI:

Moving restapi systemd unit control file to /lib/systemd/system/
Enabling RestAPI management option
[ ✓ ok ]

Proceed with the Quick installer and accept the default Y prompt to reboot your system as a final step.


Following a reboot, the RestAPI service should be up and running. You may check and control its current state by visiting RaspAP's   RestAPI administration page. The Status tab will display the operational status of the restapi.service.

Generate an API key

While the API server is operational, you must generate an API key to authenticate with the service before interacting with it. These steps are described below.

  1. In the API Key field, use the magic icon to generate a 32-character key.
  2. Alternatively, you may create your own key—just be sure it's of a sufficient length and complexity.
  3. Choose Save settings. Your API key is stored in /etc/raspap/api/.env.
  4. Copy your API key to the clipboard for use in the Authorization section.


The restapi.service will be automatically restarted when updating your API key. At this stage, you have a valid API key that may be used to authenticate with the RestAPI. This is described in the next section.


Now, click or tap the RestAPI docs link to open the documentation in a new window. The API docs are fully interactive, meaning you may test any of the available endpoints and receive a valid server response. Begin by choosing the green Authorize   button, shown below:


This will open a dialog where you may enter your API key, which will be passed as an access_token in the HTTP request header. Paste the key you created in the previous step into the "Value" text field and choose the Authorize button:


At this stage, the dialog should indicated "Authorized". Dismiss the dialog by choosing Close. You may now proceed with testing the API interactively.

Testing endpoints

With authorization done, you may test any of RaspAP's available RestAPI endpoints. Start with the first available /system (Get System) endpoint. Click or tap anywhere in this endpoint's header area and choose the Try it out button. This endpoint takes no parameters, so you may simply use the Execute button to query the API. An example client request and corresponding server response are shown below.

Client requests

Here, we can see a curl GET command with the -H (header) option used to specify the access_token and the API key as the value. The request URL in this example is http://raspberrypi.local:8081/system (yours may differ):

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://raspberrypi.local:8081/system' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'access_token: o2eycsnwzacgcukkdkxulmvcva7hou5q'

Server responses

The /system API endpoint responds to the above request with several key pieces of data in JSON format:

  "hostname": "raspberrypi",
  "uptime": "up 23 hours, 2 minutes",
  "systime": "Sun 10 Mar 11:11:11 CET 2024",
  "usedMemory": 35.46,
  "processorCount": 4,
  "LoadAvg1Min": 0.14,
  "systemLoadPercentage": 3.5,
  "systemTemperature": 46.16,
  "hostapdStatus": 1,
  "operatingSystem": "Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)",
  "kernelVersion": "6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8",
  "rpiRevision": "Pi 3 Model B"

The hostapdStatus indicates the current state of the Linux hostapd service, which provides the AP or hotspot. You may copy this data to the clipboard or download it from the test console, if you wish.

Systemd service

During the RestAPI installation, the Python modules installed by pip are stored in the current user's home directory. For the default pi user in Raspberry Pi OS, this path is /home/pi/.local/bin. In order for the uvicorn module to be found by Python, the systemd service control file specifies the pi user.

If your current user is something other than pi, edit the control file with:

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/restapi.service

Modify the User line to reflect your current user, if necessary:


ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -m uvicorn main:app --host --port 8081
ExecStop=/bin/kill -HUP ${MAINPID}


Save and exit the file, then reload the daemon with sudo systemctl daemon-reload.

Docker support

The RestAPI is installed by default in RaspAP's Docker container. This includes configuration of port 8081 used by the server to respond to client requests. Note that the API is also exposed on your system's WAN interface.


The current status of the restapi.service is available on the RestAPI > Status tab. This is generally the best starting point when diagnosing common problems, such as authorization errors. Note that the service records the most recent API queries, including the requesting IPv4 client address:

raspberrypi python3[3033]: INFO: - "GET /clients/wlan0 HTTP/1.1" 200 OK

If a remote client is using an invalid API key, for example, this will appear as a 403 Forbidden server response in the Status console. A successful response, like the one above, will return a 200 OK code.

You may also obtain journal entries from the service by executing journalctl -xeu restapi.service from the shell.


Questions or comments about using the RestAPI? Join the discussion here.